Mt Shasta

Do Cold Showers Get You Steamed?

Water Heater Repair in Yreka, CA

Just when your hair is all lathered the hot water runs out - again! Once again, you're rinsing in water cold enough to make a polar bear shudder.

Being last in line for the shower is a chilling experience, especially if you have an overworked, undersized tank type water heater. Maybe you could just get up earlier in the morning, before the hot water runs out. How does 4 a.m sound?

Or, you cold call SVM Plumbing Well and Pumps and ask about our Hot Shower Cold Cash offer. Let us install an energy efficient endless supply of hot water so you never ever run out of hot water again.

Hot Shower
Cold Cash!

Just mention "Cold Cash" to

Save $100

off our endless hot water system.

>Don't wait any longer!

  • Always hot
  • 10 year heat exchanger warranty!
  • Saves energy
  • Easy terms with approved credit

Call (530) 842-7862 now to schedule an appointment.

Choose SVM Plumbing Well and Pumps for tankless water heaters and all your plumbing needs.

(note: we will not be held responsible if you stay in the shower so long that you come out looking like a prune!)

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